Terns and Boat
前排去左鹽田梓, 去程時我媽俾追住船嘅燕鷗驚嘆到。 可惜回程船坐滿咗,我哋無得再伸個頭出去睇燕鷗。 Me and my mum went to Yim Tin Tsai recently. She was stunned by the terns chasing after our boat. Unfortunately, the boat was full on the return trip so she cannot watch it again. :(
前排去左鹽田梓, 去程時我媽俾追住船嘅燕鷗驚嘆到。 可惜回程船坐滿咗,我哋無得再伸個頭出去睇燕鷗。 Me and my mum went to Yim Tin Tsai recently. She was stunned by the terns chasing after our boat. Unfortunately, the boat was full on the return trip so she cannot watch it again. :(